Robust Daily Details

Welcome to Robust Daily, which is a one of it’s type service where you get daily workouts, diet plans and rehab center access.

Daily workouts are unique every single day.
Home and Gym based routines posted every single day.
Videos for each exercise, clear instructions about sets and reps and more. These workouts are solely designed to provide you an insane pump, unbelievable strength development and a well balanced physique to say the least.
The Ultimate goal is to build muscle and burn fat.

The Diet Plans section has a detailed explanation on how to decide about the calories and empowers YOU to become your own nutrition consultant. With Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian options, we got you covered.

Rehab Center will help you address the day to day injuries and sprains with a very easy to follow exercise program and videos explaining it all.

What are you waiting for. LET’S GOOOO..


Daily Workout, Diet Plans and Rehab Access
549 Monthly
  • Daily Unique Workout (Home and Gym Both)
  • Diet Plan (Veg and Non-veg) For Weight/Fat Loss and Muscle Building
  • Rehab Center